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Unlock the untapped potential of your imagination

To truly signal that you are ready to embrace the writing journey, I recommend developing a ritual that works best for you.

It could be as simple as grabbing your favourite drink, taking a moment to savour the first sip, allowing you to enter a focused and inspired state of mind.

Remove distractions and set an intention for a set period of time. Light some candles or incense. Put up a mock image of what you are writing about. 

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Get ready to embrace the power of a totem, intuition, and divination to transform your writing process and unleash the storyteller within you. BONUS – Your Inner Psychic Course included. Prices are in USD

“If we want to speed up the process of having something in our lives, we have to bring it closer to us in our minds and feel it in our hearts. Visualize what your personal space is - as a circle around you and include what you want inside that circle.

Seann Vinyasa-Billson

"Writing isn't something I do, writing is something that I am. I am writing - it's just an expression of me."

Dr. Wayne Dyer

"The author must keep his mouth shut when his work starts to speak."

Friedrich Nietzsche